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Friday, February 21, 2014

Making Lists Online for Tracking/To Improve Productivity? Use WorkFlowy


          WorkFlowy will help you to list the items/tasks under the unique group which can be further group to individual items which makes the items simpler and organized. Further you can list n number of items in a group and also as a parent group.
           WorkFlowy also available as a mobile application for the popular mobile OS like ios and android hence this works seamlessly and mostly preferred for text based listings. Also you can save the link in the list and clicking on the link will open the web page from the WorkFlowy Application itself which makes the application work as a browser without navigating to any other browser you can choose the links and get back to area from where you are navigated.

Simple and Essential.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Find the Alphabet

First Post on the New Year 2014

To Continue with the Last post, this also deals with interesting games to help the children to learn quick through play and learn method.

Find the Alphabet Game can be played using keyboards in the PC or Lap, but will be more interesting if the keyboard in not in use currently since you can do anything with it.

Steps to Follow:
1. Make sure that the kid with whom you going to play with knows the alphabets not in sequence but at least in existence.

2. Name the alphabet and ask them to press or locate the key and make the game more interesting with more challenges like naming words

Happy Reading and Happy New Year 2014

Monday, December 30, 2013

Interesting Learning Games for Childrens

     Playing flowchart as a game makes the kids to give more importance to the Logic and to kindle the young minds. First let me define the symbols which we are going to use in the flowcharts, the symbols should be simple like Start, End, Process, and Decision is more than enough to play simple games.

Give the Simple Exercises which makes them to think fast, below examples may help you
1. Shut the window if Raining Else Leave the window opened
2. Add two numbers

For More Details use the below source to add more fun to the game

Thanks for Reading!!